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How to Buy Good Bacon at the Supermarket

By Robert Gregoire

How to buy good bacon at the supermarket can be overwhelming with so many options available, from various brands to different cuts and curing methods. It’s easy to end up with bacon that doesn’t live up to your expectations, whether it’s too salty, too fatty, or lacking flavor.
You want to enjoy delicious, crispy bacon that’s just right, but navigating the labels and understanding what makes good bacon can be confusing. Whether you’re preparing breakfast for your family or adding bacon to your favorite dishes, finding that perfect slice can make all the difference in your meal.
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to select the best side bacon at the supermarket. From understanding labels to spotting quality indicators, we’ll help you make informed choices so you can enjoy mouthwatering bacon every time. Let’s dive into the delicious world of side bacon and discover how to buy good bacon for your taste and needs!

1. What is Side Bacon?

Side bacon, also known as streaky bacon, is a popular cut of bacon derived from the pork belly. Unlike back bacon, which comes from the loin, side bacon is characterized by its layers of fat and meat, giving it that signature streaky appearance. This marbling not only enhances its visual appeal but also contributes to its rich, flavorful taste when cooked.

The pork belly is a particularly fatty section of the pig, which makes side bacon incredibly flavorful and perfect for crisping up in the pan. The fat renders out during cooking, leaving behind a deliciously crispy texture that many bacon lovers crave. Side bacon’s distinctive combination of fat and lean meat makes it a versatile choice, whether you’re cooking up a classic breakfast or adding a savory touch to your favorite recipes.

Understanding the basics of what side bacon is can help you appreciate its unique qualities and make better choices at the supermarket. Whether you prefer it thinly sliced and crispy or thick-cut and chewy, knowing what to look for in side bacon is the first step to enjoying this delicious treat.

2: Types of Side Bacon

When buying side bacon, understanding the labels and ingredients is crucial to finding the best quality. Bacon labels can be a bit of a puzzle, often filled with terms that may not be immediately clear. Here’s a breakdown of what to look for:

1. Curing Methods: Bacon is typically cured through a process that involves salt, sugar, and sometimes nitrates or nitrites. The curing process not only preserves the bacon but also imparts flavor. Look for these common curing methods:

  • Wet Cured: This is the most common method, where bacon is soaked in a brine solution. It usually results in a milder flavor and a softer texture.
  • Dry Cured: This method involves rubbing the bacon with a dry mixture of salt and other seasonings. Dry-cured bacon tends to have a more intense flavor and a firmer texture.
  • Uncured: Despite the name, uncured bacon is still cured, but without synthetic nitrates or nitrites. Instead, natural alternatives like celery powder are used. This type of bacon often appeals to those looking for a more natural option.

2. Ingredients List: The ingredients list can tell you a lot about the bacon’s quality. Ideally, bacon should have a short list of ingredients: pork, salt, sugar, and spices. Be cautious of products with a long list of additives, preservatives, or artificial flavors, as these can impact the bacon’s taste and healthfulness.

3. Nitrate-Free Options: Nitrates and nitrites are often added to bacon as preservatives and to maintain color. Some people prefer nitrate-free bacon, believing it to be a healthier option. Look for labels that specify “nitrate-free” or “no added nitrates,” but be aware that natural nitrates from sources like celery juice may still be present.

4. Organic and Pasture-Raised: For those interested in more sustainable and ethically produced bacon, organic and pasture-raised options are available. Organic bacon is produced without synthetic pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics. Pasture-raised pigs are often given more space to roam and a diet closer to their natural food sources, which can lead to better-tasting bacon.

By understanding these labels and ingredients, you can make informed choices that align with your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for the purest ingredients, the richest flavor, or the most natural options, decoding the labels is how to buy good bacon at the supermarket.

How to buy good bacon

3: Evaluating Quality and Freshness

When it comes to buying side bacon, quality and freshness are key factors that can significantly impact the flavor and texture of your bacon. Here are some tips on how to buy good bacon at the supermarket:

1. Check the Packaging: The packaging can give you a lot of information about the bacon’s quality. Look for packaging that is vacuum-sealed or tightly wrapped, as this helps preserve freshness and prevent contamination. Avoid packages with air pockets, leaks, or excessive liquid, as these can be signs of poor packaging or spoilage.

2. Look for Marbling: Marbling refers to the streaks of fat running through the meat. High-quality side bacon will have a good balance of meat and fat, with visible marbling. This fat is essential for flavor and crispiness when cooked. Bacon with a higher fat content tends to be more flavorful, while leaner bacon may be tougher and less juicy.

3. Inspect the Color: Fresh bacon should have a natural pinkish-red color with creamy white fat. Avoid bacon with dull, grayish, or greenish hues, as these can indicate spoilage or poor quality. Also, be cautious of overly bright or unnatural colors, which may suggest artificial coloring or excessive preservatives.

4. Check the Use-By Date: Always check the use-by or sell-by date on the packaging. This date indicates the last day the bacon is expected to be at peak quality. While bacon may still be safe to eat after this date if properly stored, its quality may decline. For the best flavor and freshness, choose bacon with a date that’s as far in the future as possible.

5. Consider the Thickness: The thickness of bacon slices can vary, and your choice will depend on your cooking preferences. Thick-cut bacon is ideal for those who like a meaty, chewy texture, while thin slices cook faster and crisp up more easily. Some packages may specify “thick-cut” or “thin-cut,” but if not, you can visually compare the slices through the packaging.

By paying attention to these factors is how to buy good bacon at the supermarket. Quality bacon will enhance your cooking experience and deliver the best taste and texture, making your meals even more enjoyable.

4: Understanding Labels and Certifications

Navigating the labels and certifications on bacon packaging can be challenging, but understanding these can help you make informed decisions about the quality and sourcing of the bacon you buy. Here’s a guide to some common labels and what they mean:

**1. “Natural” and “Uncured”: “Natural” bacon typically means it contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives, and has undergone minimal processing. However, the term “natural” isn’t strictly regulated, so it’s always good to read the ingredient list for confirmation. “Uncured” bacon means it hasn’t been cured with synthetic nitrates or nitrites. Instead, natural sources like celery powder are used. Uncured bacon still requires refrigeration and has a similar shelf life to traditionally cured bacon.

**2. “Organic”: Organic bacon comes from pigs raised according to organic farming standards, which often means they were fed organic feed, raised without synthetic hormones or antibiotics, and given access to the outdoors. This label is regulated and certified by organic certification bodies, ensuring certain animal welfare and environmental standards are met. Organic bacon can be a good choice if you’re looking for meat with fewer additives and a more transparent supply chain.

**3. “No Antibiotics Ever” and “Hormone-Free”: Labels like “No Antibiotics Ever” indicate that the pigs were raised without the use of antibiotics at any point in their lifecycle. “Hormone-Free” means that no hormones were administered to the animals, which is a standard practice since the use of hormones is not permitted in pork production. These labels are particularly appealing to consumers concerned about antibiotic resistance and hormone use in livestock.

**4. “Humanely Raised”: This label suggests that the pigs were raised under conditions that provide for their welfare, including access to the outdoors, space to move around, and practices that reduce stress. However, standards can vary, so look for certifications from recognized animal welfare organizations, such as Certified Humane or Animal Welfare Approved, to ensure the claims are credible.

**5. “Non-GMO”: If you prefer to avoid genetically modified organisms in your food, look for bacon labeled as “Non-GMO.” This means that the pigs were fed a diet free of genetically modified grains. While the impact of GMOs on health is still a topic of debate, some consumers choose non-GMO products for environmental or personal reasons.

Understanding these labels can help you align your purchases with your values and dietary preferences. Whether you prioritize organic, humane treatment of animals, or the absence of additives, being informed about what these labels mean ensures you can choose bacon that meets your standards for quality and sourcing is another way to determine how to buy good bacon at the supermarket.

5: Price vs. Quality - Finding the Best Value

How to buy good bacon at the supermarket, it’s essential to balance price and quality to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. Here are some tips to help you make an informed choice on how to buy good bacon at the supermarket.

**1. Compare Price per Pound: One of the simplest ways to gauge value is to compare the price per pound (or kilogram) of different bacon options. This metric allows you to see beyond the packaging size and marketing claims, giving you a straightforward comparison of costs. Keep in mind that cheaper bacon may have more water content or fillers, which can reduce the overall value and flavor.

**2. Look for Sales and Bulk Options: Supermarkets often have sales on bacon, especially around holidays or special promotions. Buying in bulk can also save money, especially if you have freezer space to store extra bacon. However, be cautious with bulk buys if you haven’t tried a brand before; buying large quantities of a product you don’t like can negate the savings.

**3. Consider the Source and Production Methods: Bacon from local or smaller-scale producers might come with a higher price tag, but it often reflects better farming practices, quality feed, and more humane animal treatment. The flavor and texture of this bacon can be superior, making it worth the extra cost for many consumers. Additionally, supporting local businesses can have a positive economic impact on your community.

**4. Balance Between Price and Ingredients: Higher-priced bacon often uses better cuts of meat, fewer additives, and higher-quality curing methods. When comparing options, check the ingredient list. Ideally, the list should be short, with recognizable ingredients like pork, salt, sugar, and natural flavorings. Avoid products with artificial additives or excessive amounts of sugar and preservatives.

**5. Weighing Fat Content and Cut Quality: While some fat is desirable for flavor and crispiness, an excessive amount can lead to shrinkage and less meat after cooking. Look for bacon with a good balance of meat to fat ratio. Thicker cuts may cost more but offer a meatier bite and are less likely to overcook or burn, providing better value for your money.

By considering these factors, you can find the best value bacon that aligns with your budget and quality expectations. Whether you’re looking for a premium product for a special breakfast or an everyday option that offers consistent quality, understanding how to evaluate price and quality will help you make the best choice.

Read more about our partnership with Olymel and how they partner with local farmers

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5 Reasons Why Eating Locally Sourced Food Can Change Your Life! https://localcrate.shop/locally-sourced-food-can-change-your-life/ https://localcrate.shop/locally-sourced-food-can-change-your-life/#respond Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:57:47 +0000 https://localcrate.shop/?p=10036

5 Reasons Why Eating Locally Sourced Food Can Change Your Life!

By Robert Gregoire

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to prioritize health can be a challenge. Many of us rely on quick, convenient options like processed foods, which may seem affordable and easy. However, these choices often come at the expense of our well-being, contributing to nutrient deficiencies and long-term health issues. The problem isn’t just what we’re eating, but where our food comes from and how it’s processed.

But what if there was a way to eat healthier without sacrificing convenience or breaking the bank? Enter Locally Sourced Food—a solution that not only supports your health but also benefits your local community and the environment. The benefits of eating locally sourced food are numerous: fresher ingredients, higher nutritional value, and fewer harmful additives.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of eating locally sourced food and provide practical tips and tricks to help you make the transition. Whether you’re a busy parent, a working professional, or just looking to make healthier choices, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into how making small changes in your diet can lead to big improvements in your health and lifestyle.

1: What Does "Locally Sourced" Mean?

Locally sourced food is all about choosing ingredients that are grown, raised, or produced close to where you live. Unlike mass-produced items that travel thousands of miles to reach your plate, locally sourced foods are fresher and often more nutritious. By choosing these options, you’re not only enjoying better-tasting meals but also supporting local farmers and reducing your environmental footprint.

But what exactly counts as “locally sourced”? The definition can vary, but generally, it means food that comes from within a 100-mile radius of your location. This can include fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy products, and even artisanal goods like bread and honey. The key is to focus on items that are grown or produced using sustainable practices, which often means fewer pesticides and chemicals.

The benefits of eating locally sourced food are plentiful. Not only do you get to enjoy seasonal produce at its peak, but you also get to explore new and exciting flavors that you might not find in the grocery store. Plus, knowing where your food comes from and how it’s produced can give you peace of mind about its quality and safety.

Ready to start incorporating more locally sourced foods into your diet? Here are a few tips to make the transition easier:

  1. Visit Farmers’ Markets: These are great places to find fresh, local produce and meet the people who grow your food. You can ask them questions about their farming practices and even get cooking tips!
  2. Choose Products From Local Vendors: We’ve made it our priority to partner with local vendors that take pride and are the best in the market for what they provide.
  3. Look for Local Labels: When shopping at your regular grocery store, look for labels that indicate local sourcing. Many stores now highlight these products, making it easier to choose fresh, local options.

By taking these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the numerous benefits of eating locally sourced food, from better nutrition to supporting your local community.

2: The Health Benefits of Eating Locally Sourced Food

Choosing locally sourced food isn’t just about supporting local farmers—it’s a fantastic way to boost your health. When you opt for locally grown produce and products, you’re often getting food that’s fresher and more nutrient-dense than items that have traveled long distances. This freshness translates into more vitamins and minerals in every bite, making it easier to meet your nutritional needs.

One of the major benefits of eating locally sourced food is its reduced exposure to harmful substances. Local farmers typically use fewer pesticides and chemicals, prioritizing sustainable and organic practices. This means you’re less likely to consume residues that can be found on conventionally grown produce. Additionally, local meats and dairy products often come from animals that are raised without the routine use of hormones and antibiotics, which can be a concern with some mass-produced foods.

But the benefits don’t stop there! Locally sourced foods can also play a crucial role in supporting gut health. The diverse, unprocessed nature of these foods contributes to a healthier gut microbiome, which is essential for digestion, immune function, and even mood regulation. By eating a variety of locally sourced vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, you’re nourishing your body with the fiber and beneficial bacteria it needs to thrive.

Looking for easy ways to incorporate more locally sourced foods into your diet? Here are some tips:

  1. Start with Seasonal Staples: Focus on what’s in season in your area. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are not only fresher but often cheaper and more flavorful.
  2. Experiment with New Ingredients: Trying new locally sourced ingredients can make your meals more exciting and varied. You might discover a new favorite vegetable or a delicious artisan cheese!
  3. Make Simple Swaps: Replace common processed items with locally sourced alternatives. For example, choose products that are from local vendors such as italian sausage from Spolumbos or empanadas from Good Fillin. 

By making these small changes, you’ll quickly notice the benefits of eating locally sourced food, from improved energy levels to a more vibrant, diverse diet. It’s a delicious and rewarding way to take charge of your health while supporting your community.

3: The Hidden Costs of Processed Foods

While processed foods might seem convenient and often cheaper, they come with hidden costs that can impact your health and well-being. These foods are typically high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, which can lead to a host of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In contrast, choosing locally sourced food offers a wealth of benefits, not just in terms of taste and freshness, but also for your long-term health.

One of the main benefits of eating locally sourced food is the absence of artificial additives and preservatives. Local foods are less processed and more likely to retain their natural nutrients, making them a healthier choice for you and your family. Moreover, the rich flavors of fresh, local produce mean you don’t need to rely on added salts or sugars to make your meals taste good.

To reduce your reliance on processed foods, try these tips:

  1. Cook More at Home: Preparing meals from scratch allows you to control the ingredients and avoid unnecessary additives. Start with simple recipes using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and gradually experiment with more complex dishes as you become more comfortable.
  2. Read Labels Carefully: If you do buy packaged foods, take the time to read the ingredient list. Look for items with whole, recognizable ingredients and avoid products with long lists of artificial additives and preservatives.
  3. Plan Your Meals: By planning your meals ahead of time, you can make a shopping list that focuses on fresh, local ingredients. This can help you avoid the temptation of convenience foods and ensure you always have healthy options on hand.

Switching to locally sourced food can be a transformative step towards a healthier lifestyle. Not only do you reduce your intake of harmful substances, but you also support local farmers and small businesses and enjoy fresher, tastier meals. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your health and well-being, proving that the benefits of eating locally sourced food go far beyond just what’s on your plate.

4: Economic and Environmental Benefits of Eating Locally Sourced Food

Eating locally sourced food doesn’t just benefit your health; it also positively impacts your community and the environment. By choosing local products, you support local farmers and small businesses, helping to strengthen the local economy. This direct support can lead to more jobs and encourage the growth of sustainable farming practices in your area.

One of the key benefits of eating locally sourced food is the reduction in carbon footprint. Local foods don’t have to travel long distances to reach your plate, which means less fuel consumption and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. This contributes to a healthier planet by reducing pollution and conserving natural resources. Additionally, local farmers are often more mindful of their land and use eco-friendly practices, such as crop rotation and reduced pesticide use, which help preserve soil health and biodiversity.

How can you start enjoying these benefits? Here are some tips to make the transition smoother:

  1. Support Local Restaurants and Cafés: Many local eateries source their ingredients from nearby farms. By dining at these places, you not only enjoy fresh, delicious meals but also support local businesses and farmers.
  2. Grow Your Own Garden: Even a small garden can provide a bounty of fresh produce. It’s a fun and rewarding way to ensure you always have fresh, locally sourced food at your fingertips.
  3. Participate in Local Food Events: Farmers’ markets, food festivals, and farm tours are great ways to connect with local producers and learn more about where your food comes from. These events often feature a variety of locally sourced products, from fresh produce to homemade jams and artisanal cheeses. You’ll get to know which companies are local and what they make.
  4. Buy From Online Retailers: There’s a thousand products at the supermarkets so it’s hard to know what’s really local and what isn’t. Online retailers like UR Fundraising specialize in working with the best local vendors our market has to offer.

By embracing locally sourced food, you’re not only enjoying fresher, more nutritious meals but also playing a part in building a sustainable and resilient local food system. It’s a win-win for your health, your community, and the planet!

Learn more about our local vendors by clicking here…

Locally Sourced

5: How to Transition to a Locally Sourced Diet

Making the switch to a diet rich in locally sourced food can seem daunting at first, but with a few simple strategies, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Embracing local produce and products not only enhances the taste and nutritional quality of your meals but also brings numerous benefits to your health and the environment.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started:

  1. Start Small and Seasonal: Begin by incorporating a few locally sourced items into your meals each week. Focus on what’s in season, as these items are typically fresher, more flavorful, and often more affordable. Seasonal produce also encourages variety in your diet, which is beneficial for getting a wide range of nutrients.

  2. Explore Local Markets: Farmers’ markets and local farm stands are fantastic places to discover fresh produce, dairy, meats, and artisanal products. Take the time to chat with vendors—they often have great cooking tips and can tell you more about how their products are grown or made. This connection to your food can enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of your meals.

  3. Buy Products Made By Local Companies: Transitioning to a locally sourced diet doesn’t mean you need to prepare complicated dishes. Start with replacing the processed foods like samosas from the supermarket with ones that are made by a local company. They’ll take more pride in their creation.
  4. Gradually Reduce Processed Foods: As you incorporate more locally sourced foods into your diet, you’ll naturally find less room for processed options. Focus on whole foods and minimize products with long ingredient lists and additives. This gradual shift will make it easier to maintain a healthier diet in the long run.

The benefits of eating locally sourced food extend beyond just nutrition—they encompass environmental sustainability, support for local economies, and a deeper connection to your community. By taking these steps to transition to a locally sourced diet, you’ll enjoy fresher, tastier meals while making a positive impact on your health and the world around you.

Embrace the Benefits of Eating Locally Sourced Food

Transitioning to a diet rich in locally sourced food is more than just a trend—it’s a commitment to your health, your community, and the environment. By choosing fresh, local produce and products, you enjoy richer flavors and better nutrition while supporting local farmers and reducing your carbon footprint. The benefits of eating locally sourced food are numerous, from healthier meals to a more sustainable food system.

Making this shift doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small, explore local markets, and enjoy the journey of discovering new, seasonal ingredients. Whether you’re cooking simple dishes or experimenting with new recipes, you’ll find that locally sourced foods bring a special quality to your meals that processed foods simply can’t match. As you gradually reduce your reliance on processed options, you’ll not only feel better but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Remember, every choice you make has an impact. By embracing locally sourced food, you’re not just making a positive change for yourself, but also supporting a larger movement towards sustainability and community well-being. It’s a delicious and rewarding way to eat, live, and thrive.

Learn more about our online store and how we can help your organization raise money for your cause?

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Amazing Empanadas by Good Fillin https://localcrate.shop/amazing-empanadas-by-good-fillin/ https://localcrate.shop/amazing-empanadas-by-good-fillin/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:22:52 +0000 https://localcrate.shop/?p=9619

We’re excited for you to try these great locally made empanadas, we know you’ll love them from this awesome new local vendor!

Table of Contents

Good Fillin Empanadas – Vendor Spotlight

Supporting local vendors is one of the best ways to give back to your community. By purchasing from local vendors, you are supporting small businesses and helping to keep money within your local economy. One such local vendor that deserves recognition is Good Fillin Empanadas, a company that specializes in creating delicious, homemade empanadas.

About The Founders

Good Fillin Empanadas was founded by Maria and Max, a husband and wife team who immigrated to Calgary Alberta from Venezuela. They brought with them their passion for cooking and their love for empanadas, a traditional Latin American pastry filled with a variety of savory ingredients.

We knew Max Labhartd (the owner) when he was the Executive Chef at the Saddledome, he was our customer and he was demanding. He expected top quality and wouldn’t settle for anything less. It’s no wonder that his empanadas are top quality, just as I expected. It was an easy decision to list his products on our store.

Max Labhardt is a seasoned chef who has worked in kitchens downtown including the Marriott, Westin, and Hyatt. He’s currently the Culinary Director at Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation, and has been the executive chef for the Calgary Flames for the last decade. His latest venture Good Fillin is a wholesale empanada business— meaning you’re likely enjoying his empanadas at Spruce Meadows, the Petroleum Club and at Calgary airport without even realizing it.

His empanadas are Venezuelan-style two-bite morsels that come in four different flavours: beef, chicken, wild mushroom, and vegetarian. The vegetarian empanada, filled with carrots, celery, onion, parsley, sweet potato, corn, and black bean, is by far Labhardt’s bestseller.

Our competitor only has the one variety box from GFS. We source direct, learn more here.

Why Are These The Best Empanadas On The Market?

The empanadas are made from scratch using only the freshest ingredients. The dough is made with flour, butter, and water, and the fillings range from classic beef and chicken to vegetarian options like spinach and cheese. Each empanada is carefully crafted by hand, ensuring that every bite is packed with flavor.

“I wanted it to be for everyone. That’s why I have all those vegetarian and vegan options so we can make it for everyone. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to make an empanada.”

It’s also through the filling ingredients that you can discern an empanada’s country of origin—in Argentina, there are raisins and eggs; in Chilean empanadas, you’ll find a slice of egg and a black olive inside, while potatoes are distinctly a Colombian thing.

“The filling is the most important thing because it is the flavour you choose to eat,”

What sets Good Fillin Empanadas apart?

What sets Good Fillin Empanadas apart from other local vendors is their commitment to giving back to the community. In addition to their delicious food, they are also known for their grocery fundraisers featured on UR Fundraising. These fundraisers allow local schools, churches, and other organizations to sell empanadas as a way to raise money for their cause.

The grocery fundraiser works like this: Good Fillin partners with UR Fundraising, Calgary’s easiest online grocery fundraiser, where customers can purchase their empanadas. The proceeds from these sales are then donated to the organization that is hosting the fundraiser. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The organization gets to raise money for their cause, the grocery store attracts more customers, and Good Fillin Empanadas gets to showcase their delicious food and support a good cause.

One organization that has benefited from selling empanadas on UR Fundraising grocery fundraisers is the local elementary school. The school was looking for a way to raise money for new playground equipment, and the empanada fundraiser was the perfect solution. The parents and students at the school were thrilled with the opportunity to purchase delicious empanadas while also supporting their school. The fundraiser was such a success that they were able to purchase new playground equipment and even had some money left over to fund other school projects.

They’ve also been featured on UR Fundraising Stores that have partnered with local churches to raise money for their various programs. The empanada fundraiser has become a popular event for church members, who are eager to support a local vendor while also supporting their church. The proceeds from these fundraisers have gone towards everything from mission trips to building repairs.

Supporting local vendors is important for many reasons. Not only are you supporting a small business and keeping money within your local economy, but you are also getting access to high-quality, homemade food. The empanadas are made with love and care, and you can taste the difference in every bite.

If you’re interested in supporting Good Fillin Empanadas and their grocery fundraisers with UR Fundraising, be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming events. You can also visit their website at urfundraising.com to learn more about their empanadas. By supporting local vendors like Good Fillin Empanadas, you are helping to strengthen your community and make it a better place for everyone.

This unique product offering will become one of the best fundraising products in 2023.

Read More About Empanadas Made In Alberta Here

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Chunk’d – Amazing Specialty Cookies Near Me https://localcrate.shop/chunkd-amazing-specialty-cookies-near-me/ https://localcrate.shop/chunkd-amazing-specialty-cookies-near-me/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:16:38 +0000 https://localcrate.shop/?p=9612


In a world where culinary innovation is celebrated and flavors come together to create unforgettable experiences, I’m lucky to have specialty cookies near me. If you’re on a quest to discover delectable treats that combine classic flavors with innovative twists, look no further than Chunk’d Specialty Cookies. These mouthwatering creations have been captivating taste buds near and far, offering an indulgent escape into a world of textures and tastes. Whether you’re a cookie connoisseur or someone in search of a delightful treat, let’s dive into the delicious universe of Chunk’d Specialty Cookies and explore how you can satisfy your cravings for “specialty cookies near me.”

Unveiling the Chunk’d Experience

At the heart of the culinary scene lies a brand that’s redefining the art of cookie-making – Chunk’d Specialty Cookies. Nestled in the heart of Calgary, Chunk’d has become a beacon for cookie enthusiasts seeking a unique and tantalizing experience. What sets Chunk’d apart is their unwavering commitment to crafting cookies that transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary.

Flavor Fusion: Where Tradition Meets Innovation

The journey of Chunk’d Specialty Cookies starts with an appreciation for classic flavors. From rich, gooey chocolate to timeless vanilla, Chunk’d pays homage to tradition by infusing time-tested ingredients into their creations. But what truly makes these cookies remarkable is the masterful infusion of innovative elements. Imagine a delicate balance of sweet and savory, or the harmonious marriage of unexpected ingredients that create an explosion of taste in every bite. Take, for instance, Chunk’d’s signature “Maple Pecan Fusion.” This cookie is a delightful symphony of flavors, where the buttery richness of pecans dances elegantly with the warm embrace of maple syrup. It’s a taste that’s simultaneously familiar and exhilarating, leaving a lasting impression that lingers on your palate.

Craftsmanship and Quality

Every cookie that emerges from Chunk’d’s ovens is a testament to their commitment to craftsmanship and quality. Each batch is meticulously prepared using the finest ingredients, ensuring that every cookie maintains its flavor integrity and impeccable texture. From the careful selection of ingredients to the precise baking techniques, Chunk’d’s culinary artisans pour their passion into every aspect of the baking process.

Exploring the Menu: A Gastronomic Adventure

The Chunk’d menu reads like a culinary adventure waiting to be embarked upon. From the classic favorites to the audacious experiments, there’s a cookie for every palate. If you’re a fan of timeless elegance, the “Double Chocolate Decadence” is a must-try, offering an indulgent blend of cocoa and dark chocolate chunks. For those with a flair for the extraordinary, the “Savory Sea Salt Caramel” cookie beckons. It’s a bold juxtaposition of flavors – the sweetness of caramel dances with the savory notes of sea salt, creating an enchanting harmony that’s truly unforgettable. Explore their menu here.

Local Delights: Finding “Specialty Cookies Near Me”

If you’re craving an exquisite cookie experience and wondering where to find “specialty cookies near me,” a trip to Chunk’d is a must. Located conveniently in the heart of Calgary Chunk’d welcomes cookie enthusiasts and curious foodies alike to embark on a journey of taste and texture. Stepping into Chunk’d’s cozy store is like stepping into a cookie wonderland, where the aroma of freshly baked treats embraces you and guides you towards a gastronomic adventure. Discover them on Instagram

A Community of Cookie Enthusiasts

Chunk’d Specialty Cookies is more than just a bakery – it’s a community united by a shared love for exceptional flavors. The store serves as a hub for like-minded individuals who appreciate the art of baking and the joy of indulging in exquisite treats. Whether you’re visiting solo or with friends, you’re bound to find kindred spirits who share your passion for culinary exploration.


In a world saturated with culinary options, Chunk’d Specialty Cookies stands out as a beacon of creativity, craftsmanship, and exceptional taste. Their commitment to marrying tradition with innovation results in cookies that are nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment you step into their charming store to the first bite of their delectable creations, Chunk’d promises an experience that’s worth savoring. So, if you’re on the hunt for “specialty cookies near me” that tantalize your taste buds and transport you to a world of flavors, textures, and moments of pure delight, look no further than Chunk’d Specialty Cookies. Embark on a journey that celebrates the art of baking and the joy of indulgence, and discover a new realm of cookie experiences that will leave you craving for more. Order and support a charity
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Exploring Lloyd’s Amazing Jamaican Patties https://localcrate.shop/exploring-lloyds-amazing-jamaican-patties/ https://localcrate.shop/exploring-lloyds-amazing-jamaican-patties/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:11:43 +0000 https://localcrate.shop/?p=9604

Exploring Lloyd’s Amazing Jamaican Patties


When it comes to exploring the vibrant and diverse world of international cuisine, few things can transport you to a tropical paradise like the flavors of the Caribbean. Among the treasures of this culinary landscape, Jamaican patties stand out as iconic delights that capture the essence of the region’s rich culture. One name that has become synonymous with the authentic taste of Jamaican patties is Lloyd’s. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a tantalizing journey through the delectable world of Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties, exploring the history, flavors, and authenticity that have made them a beloved choice for food enthusiasts worldwide. Explore the flavours of Jamaica and visit their website.

A Taste of Jamaica: The Journey of Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties

Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties, proudly showcasing the soulful flavors of Jamaica, has been on a remarkable journey to bring the essence of the Caribbean to your plate. Founded by Lloyd and Lorna Francis, this family-owned business started as a dream to introduce authentic Jamaican cuisine to the community. What began as a small-scale operation soon blossomed into a flourishing venture that resonates with both locals and those with a penchant for global flavors. Learn more history here

Jamaican Patties: The Heart of the Menu

At the core of Lloyd’s offerings lies the iconic Jamaican patty – a savory pastry that encapsulates the flavors of Jamaica in every bite. These golden delights are made from scratch using time-honored recipes that have been passed down through generations. Each patty is a symphony of flavors, blending the aromatic spices and ingredients that define Jamaican cuisine.

Flavors that Transport

Jamaican patties are renowned for their flavorful fillings that range from mild to fiery, catering to a spectrum of taste preferences. The classic beef patty is a popular choice, boasting a medley of seasoned ground beef enveloped in a flaky pastry shell. For those seeking a vegetarian option, Lloyd’s offers vegetable patties filled with a vibrant mix of vegetables and spices. Whether you’re a fan of bold heat or prefer a milder experience, the variety of fillings ensures that there’s a patty for everyone.

A Culinary Adventure: Exploring the Menu

Beyond the traditional beef and vegetable options, Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties invites you to embark on a culinary adventure through their menu. From succulent chicken patties infused with Jamaican jerk spices to the satisfyingly rich taste of curry chicken patties, each bite transports you to the bustling streets and vibrant markets of Jamaica. Moreover, the wide array of flavors ensures that you can enjoy a different patty experience with each visit.

Authenticity in Every Bite

What sets Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties apart is their unwavering commitment to authenticity. The patties are a testament to the dedication of the Francis family to preserving the essence of Jamaican cuisine. Each ingredient, spice, and technique is carefully selected to ensure that every patty embodies the true spirit of the Caribbean.

A Treat for Any Occasion

Whether you’re hosting a party, looking for a quick and flavorful meal, or simply craving the exotic taste of Jamaica, Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties fit the bill. They’re perfect for gatherings, picnics, or even as a unique addition to your regular meal rotation. Offering a fusion of culture and taste, these patties add a touch of Caribbean vibrancy to any occasion.


Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties have captured the hearts – and taste buds – of food enthusiasts far and wide. From their humble beginnings to becoming a renowned name in the culinary world, Lloyd’s commitment to authenticity and exceptional flavors shines through in every patty they create. Their menu invites you to explore the captivating taste of Jamaica, transporting you to a sun-soaked paradise with each savory bite.

So, if you’re seeking a culinary adventure that takes you beyond the ordinary and introduces you to the vibrant and unforgettable flavors of the Caribbean, look no further than Lloyd’s Jamaican Patties. Embark on a journey of taste, culture, and tradition, and experience the true essence of Jamaica in every delicious bite. Start a fundraiser and sell some Jamaican patties!

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The Irresistible Flavors of Coco Brooks Pizza https://localcrate.shop/elementor-9595/ https://localcrate.shop/elementor-9595/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2024 16:45:44 +0000 https://localcrate.shop/?p=9595

The Irresistible Flavors of Coco Brooks Pizza


When it comes to pizza, there’s something magical about the perfect blend of flavors that dance on your taste buds with every bite. Among the vast sea of pizzerias, Coco Brooks Pizza has emerged as a beloved favorite among pizza enthusiasts. In this blog post, we will take a delicious journey through the world of Coco Brooks Pizza, discovering the secrets behind their famous crust, exploring their tantalizing toppings, and delving into the heart of a business that is more than just a pizzeria – it’s a community-driven success story. 

Order Coco Brooks Pizza and support one of our community partners here.

Coco Brooks Pizza: The Art of Crafting the Perfect Crust

At the core of every great pizza lies its foundation – the crust. Coco Brooks’ renowned crust is what sets them apart from the competition. So what’s their secret? The art of crafting the perfect crust begins with high-quality ingredients and a time-honored dough-making process. The pizza dough is allowed to rise naturally, resulting in a light and airy texture that is delightfully chewy.

Moreover, Coco Brooks offers a variety of crust options to cater to different tastes. Traditionalists can enjoy the classic hand-tossed crust, while those seeking a heartier option might opt for the thick and fluffy deep-dish crust. For those with dietary restrictions, Coco Brooks provides gluten-free and vegan crust alternatives that don’t sacrifice taste or quality.

Tantalizing Toppings

While a great crust is essential, it’s the toppings that bring a pizza to life. Coco Brooks Pizza prides itself on offering a plethora of signature pizza combinations that cater to various taste preferences. From the savory Margherita with fresh basil and mozzarella to the hearty Meat Lovers featuring a medley of flavorful meats, there’s a pizza for everyone.

What truly sets Coco Brooks apart is their commitment to using only the freshest and finest ingredients. Locally-sourced vegetables, premium meats, and artisan cheeses come together to create a symphony of flavors that will have you coming back for more.

But Coco Brooks doesn’t stop at signature combinations. They encourage customization, allowing you to craft your dream pizza from an array of toppings. The possibilities are endless, and the friendly staff is always ready to guide you through the creative process.

Beyond Pizzas: Mouthwatering Sides and Salads

Coco Brooks is not just about pizzas; they have an impressive lineup of appetizers, sides, and salads that complement their pizzas perfectly. From crowd-pleasers like garlic breadsticks and cheesy bread to innovative twists like pizza fries and loaded potato skins, these mouthwatering sides are perfect for sharing or enjoying as a meal on their own.

For health-conscious patrons, Coco Brooks offers an assortment of fresh and flavorful salads. From the classic Caesar to the refreshing Greek salad, these greens are prepared with the same dedication to quality as their pizzas.

A Glimpse into the Kitchen: Behind the Scenes

Ever wondered how the magic happens in the kitchen? At Coco Brooks, pizza-making is a craft that is honed by skilled chefs with a passion for their art. A peek behind the scenes reveals a meticulous process of hand-stretching dough, artfully spreading sauce, and expertly layering toppings.

The dedication to quality and consistency is evident in every step of the process. From the sourcing of ingredients to the careful monitoring of cooking times, Coco Brooks’ commitment to excellence shines through in every pizza they create.

The Rise of the Take-and-Bake Option

One of the innovations that Coco Brooks brought to the pizza industry is the take-and-bake option. This concept allows customers to take home their favorite pizzas and bake them fresh at their convenience. The advantages of take-and-bake are numerous – the pizza is hot and fresh out of the oven, you control the baking time, and it’s a great way to enjoy Coco Brooks’ goodness in the comfort of your home.

Catering to All Tastes: Vegan and Vegetarian Offerings

Inclusivity is a cornerstone of Coco Brooks’ philosophy, and they understand the importance of catering to diverse dietary needs. Vegans and vegetarians can indulge in a variety of plant-based pizzas that don’t skimp on flavor. From the savory Vegan Mediterranean to the zesty Veggie Supreme, these pizzas prove that plant-based options can be just as satisfying.

Community Engagement and Philanthropy

Coco Brooks Pizza is not just a pizza place; it’s a part of the community it serves. The brand takes pride in being actively involved in local initiatives and giving back to the community that supports them. From sponsoring events to participating in charitable causes, Coco Brooks’ dedication to community engagement sets them apart as a business with a heart.

From Calgary to Beyond: Coco Brooks’ Expansion

Starting as a small pizzeria in Calgary, Coco Brooks has steadily grown over the years, expanding its footprint to reach more pizza lovers across different locations. Their success story is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and a commitment to delivering exceptional food. Find a location here.


In conclusion, Coco Brooks Pizza is more than just a pizzeria – it’s a culinary journey that celebrates the art of crafting exceptional pizzas, fostering community connections, and embracing diverse tastes. From their legendary crust to the tantalizing toppings and commitment to community engagement, Coco Brooks has truly earned its place as a slice of heaven in the hearts of pizza enthusiasts. So whether you’re a local or a traveler passing through, make sure to indulge in the irresistible flavors of Coco Brooks Pizza for an unforgettable pizza experience. Learn more about Coco Brooks.

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